I love vampire movies. Haim, Feldman and Sutherland were some of my heroes grownin' up for sure. One of the movie set locations for 'LOST BOYZ', was taken place in Santa Monica, California. As a kid from Toronto, Canada, I always thought it was a cool ass place to be at. Finally on vacay, I MADE IT!!!!!

are you sure you can fish here?



so Forest Gump is real?!

yup, there he is.


nude beaches are my fav.

jigga whaaaa!

what a waste of rice.


is that a dead body in the ocean?

i guess you can fish here.

i understand at clubs, but at outdoor places I don't get?!?!?!?

wrote for Alicia Keys, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Rolling Stones, Metallica, and James Brown....

ooooh FLIPPER, there you are.

i was thinkin' bout it.

don't drink and drive.
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