Sunday, October 5, 2008

History Class RULES!!!

I'm glad I took some American History courses in University. You would think moving from Canada to the US there's not much difference, but it's totally different. So learning about the new environment will always help. In the courses I took, it helped me realize how and why the Afro-Americans got pushed down to the south, how slaves from Africa were not only forced to come, but most chose to come knowing the better/new opportunities in THE NEW WORLD (USA), Lincoln assasination, Neil Armstrong and the moonwalk, the slaughter of the Native Indians (which I believe was the worst thing that ever happened in the US), and so on. But then again who knows the real truth. I think we are only taught things on a need to know basis anyways.

Learning the history of anything interests me. Whether it's about American history, Religion, or even where the origin of the word FUCK and SHIT came from. School always blew goats unless the subject interests us. When people become teachers, I don't think they realize what responsibility they have to really TEACH. Robert Wuhl is a comedian/actor who redefined HISTORY CLASS. Not only does he make it interesting and actually entertaining, he actually tells the myths and truths about American History. It's actually pretty funny how when we are taught certain things through school, or our natural upbringings, ignorance is bliss, but in reality if you really look into it, there maybe another truth behind it all. Is MILK really good for you because our moms made us to believe so? What was the Vietnam war really about? Was Christopher Columbus really the first person to discover the US? Was Paul Revere the actual guy who warned the Americans about the British invasion? Wuhl has several different classes, but this one was the only one I could find for you.

So if anyone wants a crash course on US History, or a brush up on their own country, then Assume The Position by Robert Wuhl is for you. Screw it...just watch it regardless!

FYI - In 1945, Fortune magazine named Betty Crocker from General Mills the 2nd most popular American woman. Eleanor Roosevelt was named 1st. According to Wuhl's class, he says Betty Crocker didn't even exist. She was a fictional character. All this time I thought she was a sweet little old lady that made desserts for a living that exploded into a empire. The name Betty was selected because it was viewed as a cheery, All-American name. It was paired with the last name Crocker, in honor of William Crocker, a Washburn Crosby Company director.
A actor was hired to be Betty Crocker for the TV interviews, and radio shows. The Betty Crocker Radio Show apparently had as many listeners across the nation as the first episode of American Idol. Now that's a lot of people supporting a fictional character. Amazing!

1 comment:

Yellofly said...

I remember reading this somewhere A LONG TIME AGO!!!

FUCK - acronym for Fornication Under Consent of King (back in the day, under british rule)

SHIT - acronym for Ship High In Transit (poo releases a flammable gas... methane... so if you move it up to the higher part of the ship... then flames are less likely to jeopardize the lives of those on the ship!)