Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Not A Free World After All.....

I still remember the first bill i ever had. It was a PAGER bill from BELL MOBILITY when I was 16 years old. I think it was only $20 bucks plus tax a month or something lol. Now it has escalated to my SUV, house mortgage, car fuel, gas for the house, water, electrical, sanitation, car insurance, grocery, cell phone, cable, internet, house alarm, and I can go on for days. Well who said 'MONEY AINT EVERYTHING'?? Well they maybe right, but IT's STILL SOMETHING. lol. Well the point I'm trying to make is that, to make this world go round in a somewhat civil way thanks to our great MONETARY SYSTEM (I'm being sarcastic btw), everyone needs to be employed to contribute for survival and to pay for things they want, need and owed because of debt. Well that's obvious, but other than that after all our hard work, I also had the understanding of paying INCOME TAX will help organize our civilization more, even though we deserve to keep all our money. You know maybe give some tax money to the homeless, welfare, keep the city clean, government funded projects, education, health care, violence off the streets, etc. Living in Canada, FREE HEALTH CARE is what I took advantage of, so I didn't mind paying my taxes every year. Now living in the US, seems like it's a different story. Ever thought of where all the tax money goes to? I mean not just your income tax, but the tax you pay when you fill up gas in your car, buy groceries, or buy a product of some sort, etc. All that commercial tax you pay for goes straight into the country's necessities already, so what is the INCOME TAX for then?..Well, Sherry Jackson former IRS Agent has some info for you Americano's!

At the end of the day, we have to PAY TO LIVE in this world, so I guess it's not a free world after all...