People often ask what I listen to while I'm on the road. Generally people think that I only mess with the Urban culture, but they are so wrong. I love everything. My car has the BEST OF THE BARENAKED LADIES pumping lol. In my ITOUCH, I got this great Toronto artist named LIGHTS shuffling away! You need to try it too :).
OK, so since my last Korean buddy asked me why I had to CHIRP them with their singing sensation. I have redeemed myself, check this kid out..unreal with the guitar! Makes me wanna get back into it!
Commonly used lines by role models : if you put your mind to it..and put 100% dedication in to it, you can accomplish anything. It's great advice going out to little kids and anyone that have dreams that they wanna accomplish. What any role model is trying to say is that, not everyone gets a fair chance to get to where they wanna be, but I made it so.... so can you, with a BIG MAYBE at the end which they say to themselves in their minds.
Heres a couple of analogies. Fat and ugly white R&B singer, that wants to be the next USHER. A group of Asian R&B singers, that wants to be the next DESTINY'S CHILD. Ice hockey player from Thailand, that wants to be the next Wayne Gretzky. An African American, that wants to be the next PRESIDENT.
Before the election, you would sit here and look at this list and say, "It's near impossible for them to reach their goals, even after a inspirational speech from Hitler in WWI and WWII to his troops before battle." The thing is, it's not impossible, it's just that these particular people have DIFFERENT AND MORE OBSTACLES to face, compared to the people that are subjectively stereotyped to reaching certain goals. Even if ugly fatso can sing better than Whitney, Mariah, Michael, Christina and Usher, he still has to overcome the fact that he needs a major makeover, race issues, weight loss, and to learn how to dance. Versus a new Chris Brown who just needed a hit to break out, and he did with RUN IT feat. Juelz Santana. Asian R&B group? Well they are asian, no matter how talented and hot they are, not only do they need a hit record, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, they need to be accepted by the general public that Asian girls are trying to do what Destiny's Child, SWV, TLC, Xscape and the Pussy Cat Dolls did. A guy from Thailand trying to make the NHL? Canadian trying to make pro soccer in Europe? You get the picture right? Nothing is impossible, just that theres so many more obstacles to face for some people, that it may take a entire lifetime to achieve. The Jamaican bobsled team did it, I'm sure you can too. Obama did it as well, and no one in their right minds saw this coming last year before the campaign.
Now to my point...
This guy just took asians and especially KOREANS back 5000000 years, and just scrapped my whole entire blog in to SHIT, thanks a lot Korean boy. LOL!!!
So Astro Boy was originated in 1952 by Osamu Tezuka who is known to be the God of manga. I used to read it, and even my parents. Seems like it will be brought to film in October, 2009 starring voices of, Nicolas Cage, Donald Sutherland, Eugene Levy, Kristen Bell, Scarlette Johansson and a handful of others. NIIIIIIICCCCEEE..can't wait!!
Ok. Not every American, but a lot are dumb. Well not DUMB, I think more ignorant. I think the education system or the people that govern the country here blindly makes the average people feel that the world revolves around them. Like I said..Not everyone because I don't wanna disrespect the one's that are brilliant. I know great, talented, well rounded and educated people here, but the average American needs to step it up. AND THIS IS NOT BASED JUST ON MY EXPERIENCES....I GOT PROOF BITCH!
Jay Leno knows that Obama needs to concentrate on who the education system hires to teach the little kids!
The UK 1UP'd the US with these questions. LOL!
Canada's Rick Mercer 1UP'd the US as well....
Remind me not to go for girls in South Carolina, sorry no offense SC!
Well, I know Halloween pasted long ago, but since my camera busted in my bag..I had to wait til I got the pics from other peoples cameras so you know how it goes. It was a fun filled night at The Velvet Room. Not everyone was dressed, but it was ok because I was. GEICO sponsored me.
Not just because I'm featured on's also a good R&B LP. Go get it!!
Tracklist 1. Intro 2. She Got That 3. Good Lovin' (Feat. Ryan Leslie and Fabolous) 4. So Fly (Feat. Yung Joc and Shawty Lo) 5. DJ Baby Yu (Interlude) 6. So Gone (Feat. Faith Evans) 7. Sweet Baby 8. Heels On (Feat. Yung Berg and Deezo) 10. U Got Me (Addicted) 11. Don't Say It 12. Leave U Alone 13. More (Interlude) 14. Apologize 15. Love's Crazy (Feat. Big Boi)
I don't remember when it was, but it must of been like 15 years ago when there was a massive meteor shower over us. I counted maybe 75 that night alone which was dope. I guess Canada got another peice of it. A cop car caught it while on patrol and watch how it lights up the city when it burns up!
Radio is a very sketchy industry. One could be a well respected Program Director for a station and be laid off for lack of performance the next month. You're talking to a DJ who had shows on CHRY 105.5 FM, FLOW 93.5 FM, and KISS 92.5 FM. Also a DJ who was ready to host and DJ a Summer Jam for a radio station that featured Jay-Z & 50 Cent, and actually being laid off a week before the concert due to format change of radio station. One minute, you heard "50 Cent - In Da Club", and the next song was "Pet Shop Boys - Go West". Stations are always fighting for their shares in the market, and it all comes down to their report card at the end of every season. If it bombs enough, they will switch or changes will be made. I've been with XM close to 5 years now. The City XM 67 was great for me. I got emails from small town listeners like from Idaho, Dakota, Virginia etc...Places I would probably never visit. So it covered a lot of places for me. Since the merge with XM & Sirius Satellite Radio, both stations had to cancel over 50 channels from both sides that were similar to each other including my channel, THE CITY XM 67. I had fun making mixes for you, but this will be the final one for THE CITY XM 67. The good news is, the quest for DJ Baby Yu & radio will never end. I love radio, and that guarantee new things will arise soon. The new XM Sirius Satellite Radio hasn't heard the last of me yet. More to come, stay tuned!
In 1988, The Prime Minister of Canada, Brian Mulroney actually gave Reparation Cheques of $21,000 to every Japanese-Canadian that lived during WW2, for wrongfully robbing, deporting and mistreating them. The Native Americans and Canadians had their land stolen and most of their population slaughtered in the 16-1800's by force and small pox by the NEW Americans. They get taken care of til this day, with cheques and free tax and free school and health etc.
I must say it was a inspiring speech to the nation. Couple of things I wanna remind you, and point out.
1. Obama is half white. Just like Tiger Woods, he's a half-breed. People should refer to Tiger Woods as the first Asian Golf Player to be this successful, but he's usually referred to as the most successful BLACK golfer mostly because of the media. Theres no BOLD point to this, but maybe this race issue will give minorities more hope with Obama. He's African + White + from a low-income family + Muslim faith + Christian faith = a more broader understanding of a multicultural AMERICA. Definitely a President for the PEOPLE.
2. Oprah and Rev. Jesse Jackson was so emotional, they cried during Obama's speech?! The Afro-Americans were so happy, I thought their favorite team won the superbowl. I understand for one because they understand how hard the Obama family & their campaign has worked to achieve this massive goal. It's obvious, anyone would be thrilled and excited for anyone after a long fought battle like this. Also because Obama is the first BLACK (half white) President, so theres a celebration of Afro-American pride, especially after their long history of slavery and racism. Maybe thats why they are so emotional. Or maybe it's becase Obama promises change....Ah..hmmmmmm! I think it's because of the whole race thing because if fellow democrat Hilary Clinton who promised change as well got elected as President, I have a feeling that it wouldn't be this emotional. At the end, CHANGE is what the US needs.
3. Just because the race of a President changes, the objective doesn't change. Every President will do whats best for their country in their generation whether if you're BLACK, WHITE, YELLOW, GREEN etc. With the record breaking number of minorities that voted for this years election, multiculturalism & immigration is becoming more eminent in the United States of America like how it's suppose to be. This is how every election should be.
4. Please don't blame BUSH for anything. YOU, The American voted for him didn't you? And for the people that didn't vote, you were robbed. The chance of over throwing Bush off the Presidency was 4 years ago, and it wasn't done so no one can blame BUSH for all the fucked-up things that are going on in the US today. Even Diddy tried so hard to get especially the minorities and the young voters to vote and still didn't work. Whether if Senator Kerry wasn't a good candidate at the time or not, it doesn't matter, US wouldn't be in such a mess regardless.
4. Why are the Canadians so excited about Barack Obama being elected? LOL ..I don't know.. It has nothing to do with us..LOL..or does it? Well maybe it does moraly, thats for sure. But at the end of the day I have a feeling we wouldn't be as excited as Canadians if a Afro-French speaking Canadian was elected as Prime Minister. Face it our election is so boring. LOL.
5. I invested money in to property in the US. Obama, I give you 3 years to make me money! :)
OK, the craziest Halloween party went down last night at Compound Night Club in Atlanta. Filled with 4-5000 people, I've never seen so many crazy costumes in my life. My camera broke in my bag so I stole some pics from my friends camera. He missed out on some serious costumes, but this one took the cake. The dragons neck actually moves in a wavy motion instead of swaying side to side. Not sure who took home the $5000 grand prize, but he was a good candidate. Overall the party was crazy. Part 2 is goin' down tonight at Velvet Room. All the VIP tables are completely sold out, so another crazy party is about to go down. Day light savings may kick my ass though. GOOD LUCK TO ME. :D
mmmmmmm...POISON IVY!
I miss Thailand!
He read my previous POST!
Just cuz he can..
Jello pudding refs!
Mud wrestling refs!
Sam is Turtle from Entourage. I'm gonna kill him.
Now, this guys dance moves covered Mr. 300 SOO PERFECTLY?! Priceless!
Crowded in the DJ booth!
That's how crazy it got!!!!!!
Smoking TENT! lol.
Dear GOD: Please let me go to Heaven. Sincerely Baby Yu.
Mrs. Officer.... I DID IT!!
lol my boy Vince!!
The owner is very happy with the turnout, thats for sure!!!
How many messed up things do you see in this picture?!?!
See, I don't wanna be mean, but whatever. It seems like it's the way of life in the US. A lot of ILLEGAL ALIENS. Rick Ross said it best - Hustlin'..Hustlin'..We all need to hustle to survive, some more than others, and do whatever it takes I guess?! I was driving near my friends place in ATL, and caught these Mexican dudes looking for work at the corner gas station. As a Canadian, this shit was SOOOO new to me. I mean we've all seen it in movies, and comedy skits on TV, but in real life....DAMN!! Don't worry my Mexican friends, I got your back, as minorities we need to stick together OK, these white people have nothing on us.. LOL check the video!!!
The Cosby Show was my favorite show back in the day. I had to post the 4 of my favorite episodes for you. A reminder to us older kids that followed it, and to the new comers, this is what we grew up on. Thanks for the memories Mr. Cosby. ENJOY!
Bill Cosby's parents anniversary. Rudy kills it!
The Gordon Gartrelleshirt Denise altered for Theo was a shit show. The cast seemed like they couldn't hold in their laughter as well.
Probably the best slumber party any kid could have. Alicia Keys is actually beside this fat kid, PETER in this episode. Just copy and paste. Another classic, EHHHH MON!!
See some people have more hope than I do. The day the Thrashers win the cup is when I start wearing depends to my lawn bowling tournaments. But then again, having one of the best players in the NHL (Ilya Kovalchuk) is a better bet than how the Maple Leafs look right now. They are on a transition stage at the moment, but on the right path to rebuilding a great team for the future. I swear that the Toronto Maple Leafs will raise the Stanley Cup before I die, I guarantee it.
My first Atlanta Thrashers game in the ATL was fun. Thanks to Josh we got half off on $50 tix on the never ending NOSE BLEED seats. I was suprised that tix are so expensive in a non-hockey town. I thought seats would of been cheap, but I was wrong. The Thrashers lost 7-0 to Philly LOL. Brutal.
Home of the Thrasher & Hawks.
I was very scary, TRUST ME!
I'm #16.
Allen & Sam having a great time.
Josh was actually upset the Thrashers sucked that night.
Annie always trying to look cute. Josh is still trying to have fun.
Wrong city buddy!
This is new to me, we don't have cheerleaders in Canadian hockey.
So pretty.
People always trying to disrespect me.
Mr. Philly Flyers fan says : THRASHERS, YOU GOT OWNED!!!!